Check this step-by-step tutorial to make a homemade humidifier using an ultrasonic mist maker. You will be amazed by the amount of fog produced by this DIY humidifier!
Table of Contents
How does a homemade ultrasonic humidifier work?
The science behind these ultrasonic mist makers is quite simple. They generate ultrasonic vibrations on a ceramic disk to create water droplets. The pulverized water then creates this fantastic cool mist! Therefore, the ultrasonic humidifiers don’t generate any heat in the process.
Check this Ultrasonic Mist Maker on Amazon
Efficiency of the ultrasonic mist maker module
As you can see in this short videos, these mist maker modules are a good way to produce cool mist. It is amazing to see the amount of fog and the effectiveness of this homemade ultrasonic humidifier. You should use distilled water in your DIY humidifier, as the ultrasounds pulverize the water and the particles it contains. If the water contains salts, metals or any contaminants, they will be suspended in the fog and you could see a white dust deposit near the mist fogger. For the same reason, make sure to keep the tank clean and to change the water frequently. You don’t want to breathe any bacteria growing in your humidifier!
Check this Cool Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier on Amazon
How to build a homemade ultrasonic humidifier?
Let’s see how to accomplish this DIY humidifier project. I am using an old juice box as a reservoir for the homemade humidifier. I did cut a hole on the side to insert the mist maker module and placed a computer fan over the hole to cover it afterwards and fixed it with hot glue.

The computer fan should use 24V just like the mist maker. To plug everything together, I used a DC connector plugged to the power supply. I cut and stripped the wires of the fogger to plug them on the DC connector. The red wire should be connected to the positive end of the connector while the black wire should be connected to the negative end. You can connect the fan the same way, in parallel with the mist maker module. Please see the wiring diagram below for more information.

How to use an ultrasonic mist maker
The ultrasonic mist maker modules are perfect for a room humidifier, but can be useful for a lot of DIY projects. You can use these foggers for gardening to build your own aeroponic system. Some electric fireplaces even use the ultrasonic mist maker and LEDs to create an artificial flame in water vapor fireplaces. The ultrasonic mist makers can be used as a fog machine to give a spooky effect to your Halloween decorations. You can also use a mist maker for aromatherapy by using it as an essential oil diffuser. In addition, you can use these modules can to build your own reptile fogger. Of course, you can also use it as a pond fogger. As you can see, there are many ways to use this mist maker module. You can also check this project on instructables or go to wikipedia for more information about ultrasonic humidifiers.
Check my previous post to see how to do the conversion of an ATX power supply to a lab bench power supply using the ATX breakout board.
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